The IceCube neutrino detector in Antarctica has announced the detection of 28 high-energy neutrino events between May 2010 and May 2012. IceCube has been searching for neutrinos originating from outside our solar system. The 28 neutrinos detected had energies above 30 TeV, putting them above the energy range of atmospheric neutrinos which are created when cosmic rays from the sun collide with nuclei in the atmosphere.
These high-energy neutrinos are thought to have been produced in extremely energetic processes, such as in active galactic nuclei and supernovas. The two most powerful events were announced in a paper in April. Nicknamed “Bert and Ernie”, these two events had energies of just over 1000 TeV. The detections at IceCube are the highest energy naturally-produced neutrinos ever measured and, with more data, the researchers hope to be able to narrow down the origin of these particles.
IceCube consists of 5,160 ‘Digital Optical Modules’ (DOMs) lowered on strings into the ice at depths of up to 2,450 metres. This modules measure Cherenkov radiation produced as a result of interaction between neutrinos and molecules of water in the ice. This radiation is emitted because the particles created (usually electrons or muons) are travelling faster than the speed of light in ice. The DOMs then detect the light from the radiation, which is analysed by satellite or ship.
These results are the first of their kind in high-energy neutrino astronomy. The early results point towards a possible clustering of events from a source in the galactic centre region, and improvements in precision should be able to improve the resolution of the map, identifying sources with much more certainty.
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